
 I love this topic so much and I was so happy to study it. I am hoping that what I have to say will leave a good feeling about fatherhood. 

These days it can be so hard to talk about certain topics because people have been changing their views on what the world should be. There are many people who believe that there doesn't need to be a father/mother figure in children's lives, but true statistics beg to differ. 

In the Family Proclamation to the world, we learn how important family is and how important it is for children to have a mother and father figure due to the different roles that they play in our lives. Fathers are meant to protect and provide for the family. They are there to be leaders and priesthood holders.

I personally grew up in a very loving family where I was blessed to have a mother and father figure. I am aware that no one is perfect, however, my father came very close. 

Some things that I loved about my father were his loving kindness and willingness to work hard for our family. Heavenly Father's plan was intended to give us families with a mother and father because that is the ideal family in His eyes. If you think about it, we are put here on this earth to become like God, being in families is the strongest way that we can accomplish that. 

I am so grateful that I was raised with a father figure because there are some things that he taught me that my mother could not have taught me. I truly think I would be a different person if I was not able to be raised by a mother and father figure. 

My father taught me to work hard, care for others, and stay close to my Heavenly Father. Whenever I was sick or sad, I was able to go to him for a blessing. I am grateful that my father was always worthy and able to administer to me and many others because of his worthiness and dedication to the Lord. 

In the Family Proclamation we learn that success in families and marriages comes when we establish them on faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities. I can truly say that I have experienced this first hand.

I can't imagine how challenging it is to make sure you raise your children in a Christ-centered home, because I don't have a family of my own yet; but I am guessing that it makes it harder because you don't only have to be strong for yourself, but for your spouse and children as well. 

It is sad to think that the family is breaking apart these days. It is easy to see why. Satan continuously attacks the family. I am not going to sugar coat it, we are meant to be in families who have a mother and a father figure. We can see how that norm is changing quickly. Many people are fighting for their rights to be married to those of the same gender. That is simply not the way that Heavenly Father wants it to be done. 

When we eliminate a father or mother figure and replace it with someone of the same sex, it is so hard to have both roles being played, in fact it completely destroys God's idea of family. It destroys our church and everything that we stand for. 

In my opinion, we cannot let satan win this fight. There will always be shifting values in this world, but the gospel doctrine will remain the same. 


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