Same-Sex Attraction

 This week I have learned a lot about the struggle of same-sex attraction. In our class, we were able to study why people may feel this way and the things that may play a role in this decision. I wanted to relate this to the gospel today and share some of my feelings on this subject. I know how hard it is these days with everything that is going on in the world. I hope you know, first and foremost, how much your Heavenly Father loves you and is aware of you and your struggles. He knows your heart’s desires and He wants to help you more than anything. I love the scripture in Jeremiah that states “before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” I like this scripture so much because it helps me to realize that God knew me before my life here on earth and He knows me now. God knows what you are capable of and He knows your heart.  I like how in The Family Proclamation paragraph 2 it says “all human beings are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identify and purpose.” In this paragraph, we are taught that we were created in the image of God. Most people don’t believe this, but our genders are literally eternal and have a purpose! We were created this way for a reason. 

David A. Bednar taught us that “Gender in large measure defines who we are, why we are here upon the earth and what we are to do and become.” God has given us these bodies so we can become just like Him. Our purpose here is to get a body and get married and have families. When we do that, we become more like God and we fulfill our purpose here on earth.

Our church has been very clear about our beliefs on same sex attraction. It is interesting to notice that our viewpoint stays the same, despite the viewpoint of the world. God’s commandments never change. We have to remember that God loves ALL His children, but He does not justify when people disobey His commandments.

I really love President Russell M. Nelson’s talk on marriage. He teaches us that marriage is sacred and so important for our progression here on this earth. He is right. We should really focus on the bigger picture. Why is marriage so important? We are able to have children and bring more spirits into this life to be able to one day return and live with God again.

Gordon B. Hinckley shared a talk that was called The Marriage That Endures. I loved this talk so much because it really talks about the sacredness of marriage and how you can make a marriage work. What is the trick? It is focusing on Jesus Christ and His teachings! It is completely normal to have questions or doubts, especially when experiencing something like this. My advice would be to seek help. Truly ask God your questions with a sincere heart. I promise that you will find answers to your questions and find peace through Him. 

I have learned that a lot of these feelings come from the way that you were raised and the environment around you. These feelings can be a huge challenge in people's lives, but I hope you know that there is always hope. Heavenly Father has a plan for everyone and it is always possible to find peace in your life through Jesus Christ and His atonement. 


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