The Importance of Being Chaste
Why is it so important for us to be chaste? In a world that is so evil, it is hard to be the one that stands out and chooses chastity. I have been pondering this week on a talk that was given by Jeffrey R Holland. This talk is called "Of Souls, Symbols and Sacraments." This speech was given at a BYU devotional many years ago. He expressed his concern for the youth of the church. He expressed his concern for our souls and our chastity.
We all know, as he does, that this is something that most of the youth struggle with, regardless of if you are a member of our church or not. We are surrounded by unclean things that lead us to believe that it is not considered "cool" or "normal" to live a virtuous life. What many of us don't realize is that those small decisions that we make when we are younger might just effect our entire life to come.
In America 3,000 adolescents become pregnant each day. A million a year. Four out of five are unmarried. More than half get abortions. “Babies having babies.” [Babies] killing [babies]. [“What’s Gone Wrong with Teen Sex,” People, 13 April 1987, p. 111]
Holland shares this shocking quote. It is so sad to think about how uncareful we are when it comes to personal purity.
Why is this so important?
I recall on my mission, many times when I would teach others about the Law of Chastity. This is a law given to us by God. Why would he care what we do with our bodies?
They are not our bodies.
These bodies were given to us by our Heavenly Father. He is the creator of them; therefore, they are not ours, they are His.
When we go against the Law of Chastity, we go against God. We go against the entire reason why He made our bodies. He specifically gave us this gift so we can multiply and replenish the earth and build up His kingdom.
These things help us to prepare us for the future. It helps us to be better spouses and better parents. I can't count the times that I have realized why it is so important to be chaste from early on.
I don't think we realize that these things not only effect us spiritually, but also physically. Many people get STD's or get pregnant when not expecting it to happen.
Infidelity leads to many lifelong addictions and can even cause damage to your brain. I think if more people knew about the negative affects that come from living an unchaste life, they would want to live more virtuously.
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