The Value and Challenges of Family Science Research

What does family mean to you? This is such a broad question, especially in the times that we currently live in. Something that I have recently come to realize is that family means something different to everyone. This can depend on the culture that you were raised in, your religious beliefs or your family values growing up. This topic can be kind of touchy to bring up these days, therefore sometimes you need to learn how to tread lightly while still being able to express your beliefs and the way you feel. A few months ago, I attended a class at Weber State University. In this class I learned a lot about egocentrism and the fact that we all have very different views of the world. And guess what? This is a good thing! I love that none of us are the same and we all think and act differently. When we are egocentric, that means that we automatically think it is our way or the highway without even considering someone else’s side. Have you ever traveled somewhere out of the country and thought that some of their traditions were just flat out strange? I have had the privilege of traveling to many different countries all throughout the world, and I truly believe that this makes us more intelligent human beings. Because of the fact that we all have different ways of life, we are able to take knowledge from other cultures and use it to benefit us.  

This has led me to ponder about what exactly my beliefs are considering marriage and family. I grew up in a household where we believed in God and Jesus Christ. We believed that there were certain commandments that had been given to us to help keep us safe from the dangers of the world. There are even commandments given to us in regard to marriage and family! Why do you think God would give you commandments to protect you in your marriage and families? There are actually many reasons why. First being, because he loves you so much and wants you to be happy for eternity. Divorce rates have never been higher than they currently are. There are obviously many things that are causing this. I believe that Satan has a very strong hold on the family at this time. He does not want us to be happy. God is very aware of this; therefore, he wants to help us.

I was very blessed to grow up in a household that was loving and had very strong values. I loved my parents and they loved me. They taught me that I could do anything that I set my mind to. I learned from them how to be a better person. I realized how important it was for me to get married one day and have a family of my own. Within my religion, we believe that we come down to this earth to learn and to grow and one day be married and have children and to raise them in a Christ-centered home. I can’t wait to be able to have the opportunity to do that.

The topic of marriage and family has always been very interesting to me, and for that reason I am majoring in it at school. I am hoping to one day be a marriage and family counselor and help others who are struggling. I believe in second chances and finding ways to make yourself happy. Right now, I am taking Intro to Marriage and Family Studies class at my University. In this blog, I will be posting weekly about some of the things that I am learning in this class. I will be posting about not only facts, but some of my personal opinions and things that are very important to me. Thanks for reading!


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